iOS Inactivity Local Notification System


Hello everyone! Today, we’re diving into an exciting project that leverages a range of technologies to build a robust notification system. Specifically, this system is designed to send inactivity notifications to iOS devices. It’s particularly useful for administrators who want to keep tabs on user activity levels. So, let’s break down the workflow and get into the details.

Workflow Overview

  1. Send a POST Request: The system starts by sending inactivity data in JSON format to the Notification Server.
  2. Device Query: It then queries all connected iOS devices that have opted to receive API notifications.
  3. User Query: Next, it checks an internal PostgreSQL database to find the user associated with each inactive device.
  4. Endpoint Creation: An API endpoint is created for associating devices with their respective users.
  5. User Administration Panel: A panel is made available to manage user accounts, devices, and their inactivity statuses.
  6. UI in Flutter: The project also includes a user interface developed in Flutter to display JSON data from the Notifications API.
  7. Notification Logging: An endpoint is set up to keep track of sent notifications and their details.
  8. MQTT Implementation: The system uses MQTT to send notifications to iOS devices.
  9. Notification Sending: Notifications are sent to the relevant devices.
  10. Testing: The system is tested in a network environment similar to Vitesco.
  11. Confirmation: Finally, after a user receives a notification, a confirmation message is sent back to the server.

Detailed Steps

Sending the POST Request

Querying Devices and Users

Creating Endpoints

User Admin Panel

UI Development in Flutter

MQTT Implementation

Testing and Confirmation


This workflow encapsulates the essentials of a robust inactivity notification system for iOS devices. The project amalgamates various technologies like Flutter, APNS, and PostgreSQL, making it an exciting venture for any tech enthusiast.

For anyone looking to manage user activity levels on iOS devices, this project serves as a comprehensive guide. Diagram

Thank you for reading, and I hope you find this project both intriguing and useful!